Dave's Doors Of Perception - Major Door Arcana

Dave's Doors Of Perception - Major Door Arcana


It is commonly accepted that one member of Dave's Doors Of Perception has returned from the future. Widely believed to be Dave Door himself, the band's drummer, who first started the rumour, one thing is for certain - few of their garage band contemporaries have any reason to doubt the alleged time travelling credentials; their far-out, far-sighted, visionary soundscape is hard to explain otherwise. The new LP, their second, Major Door Arcana, gives extra grounds to gossip.

Side 1: Twenty-two minutes of garage punk-rock perfection; fuzz guitar, snarling vocals and a tinnitus inducing rhythm section. With two 'mellower' tunes programmed by way of respite; the nine songs play like a whole album in itself.

Side 2: Twenty-two minutes of wigged-out psychedelic excess. A sonic exorcism of such hallucinogenic innuendo that psychosis may be induced in all but the most mushroom-hardened listener - a cautionary note to anyone intent on finishing all six tracks.

Well Suspect Records are releasing this epic album on limited edition vinyl.

‘A dark thrill ride that leaves you exhausted but exhilarated.’ (Shindig. July 2024).

‘White-Knuckle fuzz-rock delivered as if their lives depended on it.’ (Classic Rock. November 2024).

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